Instructions for Chairs

Timing Structure of the Session

The timing structure of the session will be as follows:

Time (min) Duration (min) Action
0 5 Chair’s opening speech
5 2 Introduction of Speaker 1
7 12 Presentation 1
19 3 Q&A for Speaker 1
22 2 Introduction of Speaker 2
24 12 Presentation 2
36 3 Q&A for Speaker 2
39 2 Introduction of Speaker 3
41 12 Presentation 3
53 3 Q&A for Speaker 3
56 2 Introduction of Speaker 4
58 12 Presentation 4
70 3 Q&A for Speaker 4
73 15 Joint Q&A / panel discussion
88 2 Summary and final remarks
90 - Closing

At this time, most of the Speakers for your session should have submitted the final versions of their slides, as well as:

  • Their biographies, which you can use to introduce them before each presentation.
  • Tentative questions for the Q&A, which you can use in case no other questions are received from the audience.
  • A brief summary (in a couple of sentences) with the key messages of their presentations, which you can use for the “Summary and final remarks” at the end of the session.

Instructions Before the E&E Congress

  • Prepare a brief opening speech with an introduction to the main topic of the session (around 5 minutes). If you use slides, please use the E&E Congress Template, which you can download here.
  • Get in contact with the speakers of your session and verify they have submitted their biographies, tentative questions for the Q&A, and a brief summary with key messages of their presentations.
  • Plan the 15-minute panel discussion with the speakers. Consider organizing a video call to prepare possible discussion topics.
  • Activate your profile on the Congress Platform. Include your information and check other participants' information. The Congress App will be available 2 weeks before the Congress.
  • Promote the Congress and inform your contacts that you will be chairing this session.

Instructions During the Congress

  • Be in the session room 30 minutes ahead of your session to ensure all preparations are complete.
  • Ensure that your speakers are in the room and prepared for the session.
  • Open the session with a ~5 minutes opening speech about the main topic of the session.
  • Introduce each speaker at the appropriate time and invite them to the podium to present their slides.
  • Use the Congress App to monitor and select the most relevant questions for the Q&A sessions.
  • Moderate the final 15-minute panel discussion using prepared topics or questions from the audience.
  • Summarize the main outcomes and provide closing remarks at the end of the session.
  • Close the session on time and remind the audience to provide feedback on the Congress App.
  • After the session, please present the prepared gifts to the speakers and take one for yourself. The gifts will be placed on or next to the podium.
  • Note: For the 3-minute Q&A after each presentation, only questions through the App will be accepted. The final 15-minute discussion will allow for comments and questions from the audience.
  • For the 15 minute discussion, please keep in mind that all the questions have to be either sent by the app, or through the microphone. If someone will ask without the microphone, the question won't be heard in the Recordings. Please instruct everyone to always wait for the micrphone and then speak.