Engage with peers and staff, plus so much more, all in one place! Come visit different association booths to learn about their membership benefits, activities and events.

The Association Lounge will be located on the ground floor of hall B, as part of the Exhibition Area.

Booths of the following associations will be present:

European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA)
European Association of Bitumen Producers (Eurobitume)
Asphalt Institute (AI)
Hungarian Asphalt Pavement Association (HAPA)
Združenje asfalterjev Slovenije (ZAS)

Moreover, you can look forward to the:

Runners Love Asphalt Spot – PRESENT ONLY ON WEDNESDAY, 19 JUNE

  • Special edition #RunnersLoveAsphalt T-shirts will be available here for only 20 EUR (cash only). Exclusively for registered runners.
  • The first 10 registered runners to visit the #RLA spot will get a FREE T-shirt.
  • More information about the #RunnersLoveAsphalt campaign and the Run for Fun HERE!

LinkedIn Spot

  • Strenghten your digital connections!
  • Get a professional photo taken with optimal lighting and a professional backdrop—ideal for professional uses. Our team is at the counter to enhance your LinkedIn profile or to assist in creating a new one. Let's build a stronger, more connected community together!
  • Meet our LinkedIn expert Meghaa there!


  • Wednesday, 19 June: 13:00-14:00 & 15:30-16:30
  • Wednesday, 20 June: 12:00-14:00