Venue Millenáris, Plenary Hall (Building D)
Date Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Time 11:00 – 12:30

We are pleased to announce that the following invited speakers will be participating in the E&E Congress 2024 Opening Session.
We look forward to their valuable contributions and the insights they will bring to the event.

János Lázár

Minister of Construction and Investment, Hungary

János Lázár

Minister of Construction and Investment

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Bet staugia į akis - nepasiduok.
Rėkia, kad daugiau svajok.


Peter T. Grass

President, Asphalt Institute, Asphalt Institute Foundation

Peter T. Grass

President, Asphalt Institute, Asphalt Institute Foundation

Mr. Grass joined the Asphalt Institute as its 11th President in 2001. This United States based trade association of international petroleum asphalt producers, manufacturers, and affiliated businesses has over 130 members. The Institute celebrated its centennial anniversary in 2019.
AI represents approximately 95 percent of the annual North American asphalt production and a growing percentage in overseas markets giving it the majority voice on binder related issues.
Mr. Grass is a registered professional engineer in the state of Hawaii, and in 2009 achieved the Certified Association Executive designation from the American Society of Association Executives.
He has served on the TRIP board of directors since 2003 and on the board of FP2 Inc. – since 2004. He joined the Board of the American Highway Users Alliance in 2010.
Since 2014 he has also served as the President of the Asphalt Institute Foundation which has a mission to conduct strategic research and educational activities that are designed to advance and improve both the liquid asphalt industry and the welfare of the general public.
He and his family reside in Lexington, Kentucky.


Philippe Moseley

European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Philippe Moseley

European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Philippe Moseley works in Brussels at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW). Within the Construction Unit, he leads the team responsible for policies addressing the competitiveness of the construction industry and its twin green and digital transitions. Prior to joining the Commission in 2014, Mr Moseley practised as a professional architect and urbanist in the private sector for over 15 years, designing buildings and infrastructure projects across Europe. He holds Masters degrees in architecture (Royal College of Art, London) and in urbanism (KU Leuven university, Belgium).


Elisabet Stadler

Head of Group Environment, Peab AB

Elisabet Stadler

Head of Group Environment, Peab AB

Elisabet Stadler has a MSc in Environmental Engineering and with a career spanning decades, she has dedicated herself to promoting sustainable development and environmental awareness. She has had a diverse range of positions in Municipality Technical Department, in Consultancy Services Company, in Bearing Manufacturing Industry and now also in the Construction and Civil Engineering Industry, with environmental management as the common thread. She has also, on a professional basis, been part of the boards of directors in several organization for Industry cooperation for the management of the environment, such as a Water Conservation Association and an Environmental Law Association. Furthermore, her involvement in academia, e g as member of the programme council for the MSc Engineering Program Global Systems in Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, has allowed her to contribute to the education and training of future environmentally aware engineers and leaders.
In 2018 she joined Peab AB, one of the largest Nordic Construction and Civil Engineering Company with 14,000 employees and net sales of more than EUR 5 billion, where she has taken on the position as Head of Group Environment. In this role she leads the company towards a more sustainable future, with focus on increasing the resource efficiency and the biodiversity and at the same time reducing the climate footprint and the use of hazardous substances, with the aim to strengthen the company’s competitiveness on a market with rapidly increasing environmental requirements. One example of achievement is the collaborative development of a roadmap for carbon neutrality, which covers all the material sources of greenhouse gas emissions and establishes strategies for net zero emissions in 2045, where the use of green energy for material manufacturing will be crucial. The action plan includes the internal establishment of dedicated cross functional teams as well as cooperation with essential customers, suppliers and other external actors – together we will succeed!
